
<p style="text-align: justify;">This was drafted at the request of an Argentinian reader, who is in the process of writing a book where he will print the same prayers in as many languages as possible. Globish is less metaphoric than academic English, but can still do it:</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Globish Version</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Our Father,<br />Who comes to us from above,<br />Your name is holy.<br />Your rule will soon be here,<br />Your will will be executed, in this world, and in the above as well,<br />Give us today the food we need everyday,<br />And forgive what we do wrong<br />As we will also forgive the other persons who do wrong to us,<br />Do not lead us to have bad desires,<br />But, free us from all that is evil,<br />For your are the ruler of the above, and yours are the power, and highest honour for ever and ever.<br />Amen.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Hello, Mary,<br />Who was most holy,<br />God is with you,<br />Among all the women, you are the one who was most honoured,<br />And Jesus, the fruit coming from your body is also holy,<br />Holy Mary, Mother of God,<br />Pray for us wrong-doers at this very moment,<br />And at the time of our death,<br />Amen.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Academic and religious English Version</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Our Father,<br />Who art in heaven,<br />Hallowed be Thy Name.<br />Thy Kingdom come.<br />Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.<br />Give us this day our daily bread.<br />And forgive us our trespasses,<br />as we forgive those who trespass against us.<br />And lead us not into temptation,<br />but deliver us from evil.<br />For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever.<br />Amen.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Hail Mary,<br />Full of Grace,<br />The Lord is with thee.<br />Blessed art thou among women,<br />and blessed is the fruit<br />of thy womb, Jesus.<br />Holy Mary,<br />Mother of God,<br />pray for us sinners now,<br />and at the hour of death.<br />Amen.</p>

Rubriques disponibles

Winners speak Globish

An ebook by Elisabeth Noble

Une Anglophone de naissance consacre un livre au "Globish", facile à lire, bien documenté, plein d'anecdotes et d'observations inédites.
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Winners speak Globish

A native English speaker wrote a book about "Globish". It is full of anecdotes, easy to read even for non Native English speakers, and it gives a fair and balanced representation of the Globish concept.
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Translations of Globish The World Over

Globish IN Globish - (GNG)

Globish IN Globish est un cours en auto-apprentissage facile à utiliser tout autant sur un ordinateur que sur n’importe quel téléphone portable muni d’une connexion à Internet. Pour l’utiliser, il vous faut être capable de lire et comprendre les 35 mots les plus communs en anglais, et donc repris en globish (les tests ont montré que ceux qui avaient quitté l’école le plus tôt possible maîtrisaient 850 mots d’anglais, ne serait-ce que parce que nous les utilisons dans le quotidien du français). Dès que vous pensez en dominer plus que 350, vous pouvez débuter au niveau que choisirez, en rapport avec votre capacité.
Les deux premières leçons vous sont offertes gratuitement  sur tout ordinateur muni d’un accès à internet.
En travaillant exclusivement en globish, vous pouvez rapidement apprendre la grammaire, et des mots nouveaux, avec leur prononciation, dans le cadre d’une histoire contextuelle. L’apprenant qui arrive au terme de Globish IN Globish devrait se trouver parfaitement à l’aise du niveaux B1-B2 attribués par le « Common European Framework of Reference for Languages » (CEFR).

Globish IN Globish - (GNG)

Globish IN Globish is an extensive self-study course in Globish that is easy to use on either any standard computer with Internet capability. To use it you must be able to read the most-common 350 words in Globish/English. Then you can begin at any point that matches your ability. Try the first two lessons now, for free, on either your mobile phone or on a computer that has Internet.
By working only in Globish, you can quickly learn both grammar, and new words with pronunciation, in a story context. The student who completes Globish IN Globish should be quite capable at B1-B2 (English) levels given by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Éditions internationales

CoréeCoréeLes deux éditions
parues en Corée
ItalieParution en Italie
EspagneParution en Espagne
ChineChineLes deux éditions
parues en chine.